How do I know if my home’s roof has ice damage in Columbus, Ohio?
Has your Columbus, Ohio roof been damaged by ice dams? Ice dams are created when ice and snow melt from the higher levels of your roof then refreeze along the roof edge. While the resulting snow and ice may look beautiful, what is going on between the shingles and roof decking may actually be damaging your home, and can lead to water damage to the roof shingles, decking and and even inside your home if they are not prevented.

Three Signs Your Roof may have an Ice Dam Problem
- You have ice behind your gutters or along the edge of your roof.
When looking at the edges of your roof, either with binoculars or your naked eyes, do you see ice along the edges of your roof or behind your gutters? This is a possible sign that your roof is creating ice dams and preventing the melting water from being evacuated from your roof via the gutters. When ice dams form, they can cause melting ice and snow to backup on your roof and sit there. This can lead to water damage on your roof and the need for a roofing repair. It’s important to note that small icicles hanging from your gutters are not generally cause for concern. However, if the ice on your gutters has completely covered the gutter and the edge of the roof, it’s time to call for professional help.
- You have water damage along the exterior walls of your home, either indoors or outdoors.
Do you see water damage or discoloration on the exterior wall of your home? If you see discoloration, dirt or black spots on your siding or brick, or under the eaves, it may mean that water is getting into the homes attic and dripping down the outside wall of your home and potentially causing damage. Likewise, if you see water spots where your ceiling meets the exterior wall of your home, it means that water is leaking from your roof into the wall and potentially damaging your homes structural framing.
- All the snow and ice have melted off the main roof but not the eave overhangs.
This condition is most often caused by insufficient attic insulation and ventilation, therefore, loosing excessive heat and melting snow and ice from roof areas above. The eave is cold and this water then re-freezes and forms an ice dam. Ice dams can become so severe that they completely block your gutters. When your gutters are blocked with ice, the water will spill over the gutter and between the gutter and the exterior wall of your home. Water may backup onto your roofing shingles, resulting in sitting water that can damage your roof, resulting in leaks. Gutters may also become so heavy that they rip off the house.
What to Do if You Have Ice Dams in Columbus
When you have ice dams in Columbus, it’s best to call a roofing professional to consult on the underlying issue and provide you with a repair or replacement estimate. This could include installing heating cables to melt snow and ice on the roof eaves and gutters, or removing and replacing the lower portions of the roof to install an Ice & Water Shield which is designed to prevent ice dams from getting into the roof even if ice is pushed under the shingles. A roofing professional should also repair any damage that was caused by the ice dams on your homes’ framing, roof, and gutters.